Specialist Services
LEES are a leading provider of grant assurance services, and are currently engaged to report on more than 400 assignments per year.
We are experienced in the requirements of Lead Partner audits and EU Second Level Control Reviews.
Our sector specialisms include:
- Horizon 2020
- Horizon Europe
- US Federal Funding – Single Audit (Formerly known as A-133)
- US Federal Funding – HHS Audit (NIH)
- US Federal Funding – USAID
- InnovateUK (TSB)
- DfE
Consultancy Services
In order to maintain our professional independence, we do not offer pre-award consultancy services. However, we can recommend other independent professionals in this space.
Grant Auditing Brochure
Further information about our services can be found in our Grant Auditing Brochure.
We welcome the opportunity to quote or tender for your Grant Audits